About networking tool: SpatialChat
This tool simulates the space of a room, where people can move and join discussions in small or large groups, as well as have one-on-one conversations.
You will enter the SpatialChat environment in the Reception room. Please move to the other rooms in order to meet with other participants and discuss your preferred topics.
- Preferably use a Chrome browser to join the Networking Session.
- Once in the virtual space, each person is represented by a circle where his/her face will show via the computer camera.
- You will enter in the reception room, from here please move to one of the other 5 rooms (you will find this option on the side of your screen).
- If you do not see the entire virtual room, please zoom out.
- You can move in the virtual space by dragging your circle around the room.
- You can see where other people are located in the virtual space: when your circle is close to them, you can hear them well; as you move away from them, their voice becomes quieter.